Wednesday, November 02, 2005

In the Home Stretch

Well, I’m in the home stretch with my job search (I hope). The company that was putting me through the marathon interviews finally made a decision. I was no longer being considered for the management position because they wanted me for the non-management one. After close to three weeks of stress and seemingly never-ending interviews, they informed me that I was their number one choice. We started talking seriously about compensation.

But wait, I did have my meeting last week with company number 2. I asked a lot of questions of the senior management team for this part of Canada. I needed to make sure that while a lot of the people are the same, the new company is actually a new company. To my surprise it is. None of the senior management from my former company are left. People are starting to come back. An office that was as quiet as a tomb for pretty much all of 2004 was alive with activity, noise and – dare I say – smiling faces. This was not the same company.

They have made me a verbal offer of employment for a position that was pretty much the one I held before the former company tanked. It was a job I enjoyed. They are offering me a technical management position with a national responsibility.

So on one hand I had Company A which I’ve wanted to be a part of for a long time has a lot of stability and ranked me as their number one choice. On the other hand is Company B which is full of people I worked with for 5 years who would like nothing better to have me back and want no one else for the position they are offering.

I chose Company B. I know I may never get a chance to work for Company A again, but I really won’t regret it. I’ve been offered a position that will allow me to use all of my skills rather than boosting a select subset of them. For the first time in months, I am looking forward to the future and I am relaxed – as soon as I had made my decision a lot of my stress left me and that further reinforced that I made the right choice for me.

I had to let the manager from company A know even though I don’t have company B’s offer on paper and signed. I know they need to move ahead quickly and I did not want to stretch it out for them. Besides, I know that I would never get everything I’m looking for in a job out of them. It took a moment for my decision to sink in. I don’t think many people turn down job offers from company A.

So, I’m cautiously optimistic. I don’t have an offer in writing, but that will come. Provided nothing changes drastically, I should be changing employers this month.


Blogger Luke said...

Best of luck with the job offers. It looks like you are well qualified for any position they offer you.

November 03, 2005 11:30 a.m.  
Blogger fourth_fret said...

i hope it all works out exactly as you want it to. i don't envy the struggle of making the choice, but it sounds like you've made a decision you can feel good about. in the end, that's what matters most.

November 05, 2005 11:35 p.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

Thanks for the kind words.

I'm at a point in my career, where I have to be sure I'm making the right decision for where I am going and not becuase I am trying to get away from where I am leaving.

November 06, 2005 9:55 p.m.  

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