Thursday, October 13, 2005

It's Time to Move On

Have you ever had a job where you just know it’s wrong for you? That no matter what you could try to do to change it, you’ve already gone as far as you ever will there? Well, that is the situation I am in.

I started at my current company less than a year ago. When I interviewed with them I knew the job was mostly a “lateral” move, but they assured me that the job would grow and I would get more responsibility. Within a few months, I realized that I had come into the company at the level I would leave it – whether I stayed one year or five.

I’ve tried to find ways to make it work, but I’ve realized for a while that it’s all in vain. I need to see how far I can go; I’m not the type to coast along and do the same job for several years. I need to be challenged, and to know that there is something to strive for and achieve – in other words a career path.

Tomorrow, I have an interview with another company. This is a large manufacturer and developer of products for the field I’m in. I’ve wanted to work there for a long time. I’m not really nervous; I’m used to sales calls, and an interview is just a different type of sale. I’m selling “myself.”

I applied to them a few weeks ago. I have the good fortune that I know people who work there that can get inside information for me and also talk to the hiring managers. Yesterday evening when I got a call to see if I was available on Friday for an interview, there was no hesitation.

It turns out that the people I’m meeting with tomorrow are people I previously worked with on various customer deals over the past few years. Still, part of me says that I should not take anything for granted, and it’s those little nagging self doubts that make me nervous. But then again, I have all those same feeling before any big presentation or customer meeting.

I don’t know why I am writing this all down. However it is making me feel a bit more relaxed about my interview tomorrow.


Blogger Proud Mum said...


My Dad gets antsy in the same job too long. He's been in his current job for a couple of years now, which is so wierd to me; the only job he's held longer than this one was back when he worked for the government (I think that was when I was born.) Usually he gets bored with the company and he leaves.

Sometimes, though, he leaves because they didn't give him enough time off to go diving. You have to have priorities.

October 13, 2005 9:44 p.m.  
Blogger ABQ Mom said...

Ditto Proud Mum. Good luck. Sometimes I think my husband is in that boat, ready for a challenge something to strive for, but then other days he says that every day is challenging. I just don't get it. I hope you do well in your interview.

October 14, 2005 2:34 p.m.  
Blogger April_Mommy said...

We are in the process of changing jobs as well... Hope your changes go well!

October 21, 2005 11:44 a.m.  

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