Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Helpful Ghost

My son got one of his first school assignments as homework last week. He had to write a paragraph describing what changes he would make to school for it to be ideal for him. They got time in class to do it, but with it being a written assignment, it came home to finish.

He had managed to come up with a point-form list of improvements (things like nocturnal schooling, being able to hear but not see your classmates, etc) but he was having problems building them in sentence form.

Karen told him to use his creativity to come up with the sentences. He looked at her and told her that his creativity had died. She told him to keep trying anyway.

A while later, he showed her the progress he had made. He was almost done. She told him that she thought his creativity had died. Without missing a beat he said:

"Yes. But its ghost comes back and helps me out sometimes."


Blogger Proud Mum said...

He sounds like such a fun kid! I would love to have taught a child like him.

September 21, 2005 10:07 p.m.  
Blogger Mike said...

Karen and I are always entertained by the things he comes up with. The really amazing thing to me is that he comes up with these things off the cuff.

September 21, 2005 10:15 p.m.  
Blogger ABQ Mom said...

tell him his creativity didn't die, it just goes on vacation sometimes because that line he gave Karen is classis!

October 01, 2005 9:43 p.m.  

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